Revisiting the idea of noncompete clauses
2023-01-09 | tags: employment

The FTC recently proposed a rule to ban noncompete clauses in employment contracts.

I'm hardly an employment attorney -- I'm not an attorney at all, to be clear -- but I feel this is a step in the right direction.

In my view, noncompete clauses harm:

That said, I recognize that certain employees carry some "secret sauce" in their heads. A company may not want them taking that knowledge to a competitor. That's why I'm a fan the " garden leave" approach that is pretty much standard on Wall Street. In short:

This approach puts the burden of the noncompete on the company, where it belongs.

I wrote a short piece on this several years ago. Given the FTC's proposal, this seems a good time to dust it off for a re-read:

"Planting a Seed: Setting a New Direction for Tech Noncompetes"

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