What's the next step in AI?
What's the next step in AI?
My search for the major use case for web3
Automated machine learning (autoML) and its impact on the ML/AI space
Disney+ has announced an ad-supported tier. Here's my idea on how they might run it.
The second article in a short series on N-sided marketplaces
N-sided marketplaces are very common in the business world. What are they, and how do they work?
I've published an article on O'Reilly Radar: how many times will we rename the data field?
I've published an article on O'Reilly Radar, on what makes a good question and what are my favorite questions to ask.
I've published a new article on O'Reilly Radar, on how the Covid-19 pandemic influences how we think, spend, and manage our businesses.
Moving from a technical to a leadership role