All talk, no action
2024-12-16 | tags: thoughts
Excerpt from an article on The Register, about companies talking more about AI than actually putting it to use.  Source:

A recent survey notes that in many companies, there's more AI talk than action. I'd believe it!

"Brits think AI in the workplace is all chat, no bot for now" (The Register)

According to the survey: "Employees say that the extent of the conversation about AI is greater than the change actually seen. Four in ten employees agree that there has been more discussion about how to implement AI/tech in their workplace than actual change."

So while expectations are high, for many it's more a case of talking about it rather than doing much about it.

There's a lot of excitement around AI but little in the way of planning. Companies are grasping at use cases, often falling for boring defaults. Or using AI where it's not helpful. Or taking on needless risk exposure.

If you'd like to put AI to use in your business, or if your AI plans are going in circles … reach out. A short opportunity analysis or a full-fledged strategy session can surface meaningful, actionable use cases for you to pursue.

Complex Machinery 024: AI's last-mile problem

The latest issue of Complex Machinery: Human labor addresses the last mile in automated work.

Knowing what to measure

Choosing a metric for your ML/AI model is as important as that metric's score.