This week's newsletter described the sweet spot for AI bots in the workplace.
I even included a diagram to drive the point home. I'm resharing it here so you don't have to sift through 1,900 words to find it.
If your goal is to build AI systems for the workplace, you want to focus your efforts on that upper-right quadrant. That's it. Find the work that AI does well, and that people don't want to do. Win-win.
(And if you do want to read the full 1,900 words, here's the link. Or you can subscribe and get updates every couple of weeks as they're published. )
Complex Machinery 018: Robot jobs
The latest issue of Complex Machinery: Sometimes AI is a better fit for that task. Emphasis on "sometimes"
Complex Machinery 019: Five types of magic
The latest issue of Complex Machinery: AI is magic. In various meanings of the word.